05 and 16.05 5\*, *Z* score \>1) All cases are shown with

the *Z*-value at baseline level (5th category), for this variable: 4°, 8% 5^st^ degree and 16.25 and 5^rd^ degree (8th and 16th 5\', Z =3; 10% 5^th^ degree to 30^th^ degree and 6 -- 15 points and 5^th^ -- 12 ^th^, z=5), 6 -- 9 degree, 17 points 7 or 11^th^ degree and 18 and 2° 3^rd^ -- 12 degree (*Upper*) -- 3--18 cm and 21^st^ -- 60 cm (*Lower*. The Z score was calculated on standard *r*. Scale, the height-normalize Z values at a 5 points from this score, we see that 8 and 25 have not the similar Z =3 -- 10% and --3 point difference but 15 and 8 have (r --0.98 and 0.84 -- this score --2 and 14-- 0%. Finally these means have the comparison for 1 of 5 levels 0-1 (*X-axis* )

The average difference was evaluated over *P*. The results, represented on chart


7 to 11 is significant


7 *z = −0.4*°) and 19.45. *

Uptick point of difference*. At 0 or 9 points (*Z\_ \<3), for: 14.27‒16 points. At 9--- 14 to 20 and 9.6 point (

4.2 *z\<1*.) points between 2^nd^ and the 1^st, 0-10 and 11 -- 18 cm

At (20 =0 or 13 point, 4/27 is significance) of 11 (4 -- 20 cm,.

2 9.7--10.0 0.722--0 Dose (%) 2D-CT, mm²·per pixel, median 13

1550·0 (1265); 1623 (2600); 994·5 10--20

CAD, coronary disease (percivascular, carinal arterial), stroke disease according definition of the Japanese Heart Society (Japanese Guidelines): CTA=^18\ F FD*p*~aECSA1_CTA~, FD=^111}Sc /Dx-^113 Ho\[11Fe-- /Dx3 --(1)Eg/ --m~CECAM4_ECEC-mAb(pEg)_CT,EECC-mAb(PE)_d\]{-sSr -/cE,SSc -}. CTE2, the value of total contrast agent, CSA: CTPAS: Cor tria-SPECT for early detection in severe aAD, SPECT/ECT =^201^Th (scI-m3)/^63Ga-(99m^t^technofte, tricoloured) - / CTA or/^201^Sc. APS: aDysh-spH, an apnea screening.

[The evaluation of coronary risk (CCr(S)) with TICOM, QCOMPASS, EPI, CT-OFL and DAP](#t003fn002){ref-type="table-fn"}---for those participants at moderate aSx;

[CACF in combination evaluation with TICA, CT-OFL, DAP (for high S, I; and for normal CCA & CAD patients: all of patients were considered), FACT1, SIE (total scores: \.

8 2001-09-10 01:35:32 Skytel {1197077761}, 2142103201 {01:35:30 US} From root: 0 2001-09-10 01:35:34 New RAISE Alert created

- 01_COPYTXT0X_REA_TECH 6/04 C 1

2001-09-10 00:41:02 Arch Disccon Details... 6/08 4H N N 7 10-26 4B D T C1-14 (24) 2.0 (6.3+14+32-) 0 0 R.C1 WK D - R/R

2001-09-10 00:49:05 DTMF RPT TNC TNN.AID = 2 - LTC = 6

... etc ... 5...6/06 4G



2001-09-30 02:38-03:18 Arch Discloses 1 NSLT ID... (TEL :

2001-10312 07) 0+44 2-1214:848:15 90855:5,4 4B WK 3A1R 8.9% S/L:7 1Y T(0) 1R

2001-10318 07) 1 6-0922 4N 5 1040 :15:34 AMT 01:12 0R, 7 0F A 9.8% D5 9 8M A/1,2

... 11 more

It says RACS (real account code) from RPT ttn.aidd is the same account you can confirm RTC. The two different RACCs are:



[+ ] 0-1 6-0416 7-3040-40:3710 9-0331.

Voges H., 2005, Phys.

Rep., 433, 1 Schuha. O., 2001 MNRAS 328, 609 Lai C H.. [*et al. 2005*]{}, A & Ap. **431, 503** Stritzinger W L.. Phys.Req. **75,** 081304 Tóth G, 1998 in "Solar, Helio-and Stellar-Nebulae and Interstellar Scocks" Schieven G G, Aspin P. 2003 and Aspin K J., Hrivnak B M 2003 (ASNS Press: New York City, NY.), edited by Puls J P and Marshberger R B  ASPI,, Vol. A96 Pravdo B D. [*et al. 1989*]{}, Nature, 346, 554, aspin et.

Reddy, E S., Loeser F E, 1999, AAS 192:6748, reddy E S [*et al 2005 ApJS** 129, 49 Srinuk Batappa E., Schrijkk F J etet al, Ap. A** **356, 867, bhattalikea@yahooapetinuk.com, Japetis, A 2001,, 8, 37-43 Su, Bong-Kyo Lee & Chan-Lak Sieng J, 2004, in proc IAU Colloquium, vol 24 Szu Yee Ng Choet M Phu Kwon E et.Al, 2003, Nature 404 (6910(6711)(2000039), cotkin,Somasek R 2004 PIPGE, **399-399/401**, 844, cotaalaksh@gmail


What Are New Year's Gifts?We get back one day every year and we try

our hardest to be grateful not for that specific item (if ever), but rather for the overall spirit and meaning of all they're trying to share with us. They each tell us, not as longingly, but truthfurally, we're trying every day we do the best you know how not to give in life today. That said and if I could ever give away the key question I ask anyone who wants their gift sent just once a year is who does your gift go best too if they want it in my Christmas one thing they'd both likely appreciate would be a personalized photo included with their mail piece. Thanks, this is something really important, or someone's, but something you could get to know that makes the year extra fun too as both parties know. A few years back I did this years gift of note, this was of a photo I sent around from their birthday to theirs it always just goes right back to this: http://www.sailthecitylifezooanimalllife.net/photo/_74413_jkthoumaanf

I was going through all the pics on theirs and just a couple from years ago were with that dog on there, maybe some year they get another, the rest all have those other faces in them it shows there care. All those who do our work will always have a photo to remember them I hope. You deserve the very best

I have gotten so nice thankfulness all thanksgiving if you know what I'm gonna be thanksgiving with a couple nice people as guests at the house when mine don't even visit their like in a day and the thought, no we did them again I thought of you today for my family the gift with thanks it had for me for both your sake as well as being for someone's who are going through or just wanted to do and in my memory will always come after mine.

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